Financial support

Financial support
Photo by Neil Thomas / Unsplash

The Dreel Burn catchment initiative and its stakeholder partners have received funding towards achieving our vision from the following philanthropic, public and business organisations:

Climate Action Fife

Fife Council

Shared Prosperity Fund...

Fife Council website

Fife Environment Trust

Conditional Offer pending match funding from Nature Restoration Fund

FET website

National Lottery Community Fund

The AIA is supported by the National Lottery Community Fund to deliver our Anster Community Development Project (2021 – 2023). This funding has enabled the AIA to employ our first part time member of staff and drive forward our community-led projects, including launching the Dreel Burn Project. In 2022 we began working in partnership with Forth Rivers Trust to deliver our community engagement activities and we continue to work with our Steering Group to identify further funding opportunities.

National Lottery Heritage Fund

Project partners, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust, have recently led a successful consortium application for the Dreel Burn Project to be a pilot project for the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS).

The FIRNS grant scheme, supported by NatureScot in collaboration with The Scottish Government and in partnership with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, aims to help develop a viable business case and financial model, to attract investment in projects that can restore and improve the natural environment.

The FIRNS Dreel Burn Investment Readiness initiative is funded between October 2023 to March 2025.


Project partners, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust, have recently led a successful consortium application for the Dreel Burn Project to be a pilot project for the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS).

The FIRNS grant scheme, supported by NatureScot in collaboration with The Scottish Government and in partnership with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, aims to help develop a viable business case and financial model, to attract investment in projects that can restore and improve the natural environment.

The FIRNS Dreel Burn Investment Readiness initiative is funded between October 2023 to March 2025.

Nature Restoration Fund

After initial site visits and discussion with the landowner, the AIA, Forth Rivers Trust and Balcaskie Estate developed a proposal to create wetlands in the upper reaches of the Dreel.

The Balcaskie Wetlands project proposal includes wetland creation, tree planting, natural flood management measures and barrier (ford) removal.

If successful in securing funding, the wetlands project would be the first physical intervention organised by the wider Dreel Burn Project and it is hoped will be a springboard for other projects along the catchment.

Forth Rivers Trust, as lead applicant, submitted a full funding application to the Nature Restoration Fund – Helping Nature stream in April 2023 and will be informed if successful for funding in July.

A match funding application for the wetlands project was submitted to Fife Environment Trust in March and has received conditional approval.

St Andrews University Community Fund

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