Bring out your inner scientist!

Bring out your inner scientist!
Volunteers undertaking the Riverfly Monitoring Initiative training in 2023

Last July as part of our work on the Dreel Burn we trained a group of volunteers to use the Riverfly Monitoring Initiative and since January they have met once a month to monitor the number of invertebrates in the Dreel Burn. Invertebrate populations are a great way to monitor the health of a river, as they respond quickly to changes in water quality, making them 'the canaries of our rivers'. 

We would like to offer a second round of training in Riverfly monitoring, to enable more volunteers to take part in our activity. The training consists of one theory session and one practical session. No previous experience is necessary, just a willingness to learn about nature and enthusiasm to get involved! If you would like to find out more about the training and our community science groups, please get in touch here.

To contact us about this opportunity please message or call 07497 370556

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