Balcaskie Wetlands Project

Balcaskie Wetlands Project

Working with the landowners, Forth Rivers Trust developed a proposal and secured funding to create wetlands in the upper reaches of the Dreel Burn.

Forth Rivers Trust worked in partnership with Anstruther Improvements Association, Balcaskie Estate and Balcarres Estate to deliver the project, which included wetland creation, tree planting, natural flood management measures and the removal of a ford.

The project began in February 2024 with a community tree planting event, followed by creation of 3.15ha wetland area, making it the first major landscape intervention on the Dreel Burn to address the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss.

In September 2024 the last major intervention took place, removing an aging concrete ford in the river channel, which acted as a barrier to fish migration. The project came to an end in November 2024, when Forth Rivers Trust provided training for 11 volunteers to learn the art of willow spiling, providing a natural way to protect the embankment from erosion.

It is hoped the Balcaskie Wetlands Project will be a springboard for other projects along the catchment. The Balcaskie Wetlands Project is funded by the Nature Restoration Fund and Fife Environment Trust. For further information on this project please visit Forth Rivers Trust website here.

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